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Microfiber Eraser Tutorial

Diyers  are always looking for ways to save money on some items already available on the market. Making expendable affordable, homemakers like being frugal and enjoy making things themselves . Who doesn't love to save!

The  average dry erase board eraser cost between $3.00 to $10.00 depending on the quality. Some of them are washable or have refills available and most of them only available in black.

The Materials you will need:
  • Microfiber towel (used $free or new $1 to $2)  
  • Scissors 
  • Ruler 
  • Thread
  • Needle

  1. Measure the towel to a  7 '' x 10 '' rectangle and cut.
  2. Fold the ends of the towel making a rectangle.
  3. When you have it  even out fold it again and form it into a smaller rectangle. 
  4. Fold again.
  5. Form the eraser.
  6. Check that all three sides are straight and even.
  7.  Set it aside and thread the needle
  8. Sew it with a Overcast Stitch on the raw edge of fabric.
  9. Finish the edges neatly and prevent it from fraying. And it is ready to use.
This Tutorial video will show you how to make a dry erase board eraser from a microfiber towel. The tutorial total cost is between from free ( if you already own a microfiber towel) or  $1.00  to $2.00( if you have to buy it at the store). The dry erase board eraser  that we'll be making is machine washable, bendable and with a custom look that makes it  unique, in the color of your choice, match it  with your child's backpack or pencil case.Enjoy the Video!


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