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Stamp Carving Tutorial

eileenaart stamp tutorial

Learn how to create your own stamp. Following this easy tutorial and you will  carve a custom made stamp. 

 It's fun and easy to make , great for all crafting levels, achieving a unique touch to all your stamping supplies. 

 linoleum block, linoleum cutter set, utility knife glue  and  a small piece of wood 

Note: Linoleum blocks come for different ink mediums (example for water based acrylics etcetera) decide which one are you going to be using.
The easiest way to carve your stamp is to acquire a linoleum carving  set this set contains  all for beginners

eileenaart stamp tutorial

Having all your materials ready;  Cut the piece of linoleum to the exact size of the wood that you are going to use to glue your stamp

eileenaart stamp tutorial

IMPORTANT: Mirror image
If your Stamp design is going to have  a word or letters; Have in mind that they have to be drawn mirror image position, otherwise word on the stamp will print out the wrong way.

eileenaart stamp tutorial

Start by drawing the shape, pattern or image directly on the linoleum,  you can draw it to a paper or if you are writing letters print them,then transfer it to the linoleum. I wanted to create a handmade look for my stamp so I wrote my own letters. 
Carve in with the smallest of the blades first tracing the shape, change the blades as needed.

eileenaart stamp tutorial

Test your stamp several times to make sure that the design will printing out correctly, them remove the excess of material to achieve the final stamp. 

eileenaart stamp tutorial
Remove very carefully the details, to achieve a more better print.

eileenaart stamp tutorial
Fit your stamp to the wood piece by removing the excess of material surrounding the stamp borders 

eileenaart stamp tutorial

It's recommended that all stamp  are glued into a  wood base so is easier to handle and last long for extended use.
eileenaart stamp tutorial
Let the glue  dry  and when the stamp is ready to use have fun in your stamping adventure;be proud  You did it yourself!
eileenaart stamp tutorial

Thanks for reading
Have fun and create!

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