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-Eileen A Art

Faithful Departed Tree

string tree by #eileenaart
Every first day of October we put up our Halloween decorations and create new ones for fun. Not long ago  we made a special decoration: Our Faithful departed  tree. . .

The tree is made from wire and covered with black thread, painted with dark grey and black and dusted  with baby powder to recreate and old tree look. Hollow inside to fit a battery operated tea candle . 
 string tree by #eileenaart

 Decorated with hand made polymer clay pumpkins sculptures, carved with faces  that resemble our ancestors and for each of our decease family.

 string tree by #eileenaart
Faithful Departed Tree

String tree and polymerclay pumkin by #eileenaart

The tree sits still on our table until the 31st when we light it up with a burning candle inside to remember all the faithful departed and have our All Hallows Eve celebration...

polymerclay pumkin by #eileenaart


Want to have fun and create too; don't miss our D I Y and tutorials . . .

"Imagine an it will become reality"