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-Eileen A Art

Mask: Fall leaves Spirit

D I Y mask very easy to make, it's a fun project for the entire  family with recycled material.

The materials you'll need for this project are:
Leafs (fake or real), Pencil,  A cereal box, 
Utility knife, White Glue, Glue gun, , Paint brush, 
Dimensional paint in preferred color and ribbon in matching color 
Draw the shape on the cereal box.
Regular adult size 8 inches by 2 inches.
You can download and print a similar shape off the web.
Mask Shape
Cut the cereal box similar to the shape provided to the right make it fit your face.

Make the eye holes as guide

Glue leafs to cover the cereal box carton and to make it more dimensional.

Cut the excess to fit the nose.

Paint the back.

With the dimensional paint create texture 
to give it a more theatrical look.

Pinch the leafs to create bi dimensional texture.

Cover the imperfections with the dimensional paint 
and let it dry  overnight. 
Fold the mask and glue mask gently the ribbon in between the layers and its ready to use. 

Want to have fun and create too; don't miss our D I Y and tutorials . . .

"Imagine an it will become reality"