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-Eileen A Art

Upcycled Wind Chime

This Wind chime tutorial is based on up-cycling, the components may vary according on what you have available, resulting in the  creation of  a unique piece.


SAFETY: For your safety please use gloves and safety glasses when  handling wire or you will get cuts. Avoid having spectators they can get injured with the wire too (I have not used gloves for the pictures of  this tutorial). 

A variation for the organic post could be a large spring or metal tube ( if you decide to use the metal tube you will have to drill holes to hang your other  components).

To make the embellishment of the hanging cords for your wind chime you can use beads, seeds, shells, glass, springs or what ever is available to you. 

The requirement for the up-cycled wind chime is to use what you have available with out spending money or new resources.

Some of the found parts for this wind chime are:
Old belly dancing cymbals 
Broken wind chime  parts
Washers in various sizes
Old chain of a ceiling fan
 Other metal pieces

Making this single hooks to hang the wind chime components, will provide more movement that a single piece, allowing the wind to create constant sound of your wind chime.

Having in mind that this hooks will be in constant movement , secure them thigh to avoid them to disassemble. 

I decided to use the shape of a crown to make a base to hang crystals and stones to reflect light, to add more interest and color.

Included is a simple short video presentation  of the wind chime for you to enjoy the sound of this up-cycled creation. 


Want to have fun and create too; don't miss our D I Y and tutorials . . .

"Imagine an it will become reality"