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Squash Pancake Recipe


Cucurbita Pepo; is the scientific name referring to a variety of squashes.They are an easy crop that love rich fertile soil and lots of water, but the only difficult part is that they are susceptible to a variety  insect attacks like slugs , snails, caterpillars and stink bugs. Also their seed are edible and its beautiful  flowers are nutritious too.  

Squashes have more to offer since they are packed with vitamin C, beta carotene  and fiber.  

Healthy plant

We love growing them in our garden, planting summer varieties from spring to fall here in South Florida and winter squashes in fall. 

A variety of dishes can be made out of squash soups, fritters, puddings, flans, rolls, breads, Pie Bars, whoopies, ice cream, cupcakes, pumpkin cheesecake, squash cookies ,yum! 

 4 servings 

1 cup squash puree 
1 egg
 1/4 cup vegetable, canola oil or coconut oil
   1 1/2 cups of milk or almond milk
   2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 cups all-multigrain all purpose flour 
 1 cup oatmeal flour 
1/2 tsp. salt
                         1 tsp.nutmeg                         
                       1 tsp. ground cinnamon                       
                    1 tsp. ginger                   
In a large bowl whisk; milk, egg, squash, vanilla and oil.
Then Stir in the dry ingredients into squash mixture until well combined.
Heat your pan to medium heat.
Scoop approximately 1/4 cup of pancake batter into the pan.
When you can see bubbles forming,  the pancake is ready to flip. 
Serve and enjoy with your favorite fruit and syrup.

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