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Coconut Oatmeal cookies

Vicious and delicious Coconut Cookie Recipe!  Great for breakfast or for a snack. 

For this recipe you will need:

13.5 oz 

3/4 cup
or 1 cup if you like them sweeter 

3 cups

1 tablespoon

1 tablespoon

1 1/2 cup

dry ingredients  first and then
 add the coconut milk .
Set your oven temperature to 350 f

Scoop the dough out of the mixing
bowl with a small ice cream scooper 

or form by hand
spread a little flour onto 
the baking sheet before pressing 
the dough firmly with your fingers.
Bake them for about 15 minutes
 depending on your oven power

take them out ,
let them cool off 
before removing from baking sheet.

Make them big, Make them little,
 Enjoy them with your family,
Great for snacks or for breakfast.


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